
関西学院大学 総合政策 佐山浩ゼミ(研究室)

ラオスインターン奮闘日記!Life in Laos!

Hello.  This is Shinji Yamamoto in southern Laos, Pakse.  I was surprised to be asked to write in English.  Also, Haruna writes a lot every week, but I will not probably be able to write a lot!!  I have arrived in Pakse on April 18th and started working this Monday.  I work here as a volunteer for about 5 months.  Today, I will explain what I will do through the 5 months. 

I involve with the ODOP(One District One Product) project.  The rural society of Laos has been said to embrace potentially marketable products, but the products unfortunately have yet to realize their market values due to quality problems and limited market access.

Given this backgound, the government of Laos has requested Japan to assist its efforts in launching the so-called One District One Product (ODOP) movement to promote local small businesses and thereby improve the livelihood of local residents.  By assisting, people in the rural area can earn more money for a better quality of life.

For more information, please visit


From next week, I will write about what I did in the week.

I hope everyone understood what I wanted to explain.


Don’t forget me!!