
関西学院大学 総合政策 佐山浩ゼミ(研究室)

ラオスインターン奮闘日記!Life in Laos! No.16

I only have 2 weeks and a half to stay in Laos. When I see everyone enjoying their summer vacation in Japan, I feel like I want to go back to Japan and enjoy like the rest of others. On the other hand, I am experiencing many things I cannot experience in Japan. I did have some human relationship issues, but I love this country itself. I will definitely come back to this country and start a business here. I think there are many chances.
My dream is to have my own merchandise shop(雑貨屋), so I have to find out where to sell. I think the city I stay has many travelers from all over the world. I am excited about my future.


Product I will be selling in Shingetsusai!!