
関西学院大学 総合政策 佐山浩ゼミ(研究室)

ラオスインターン奮闘日記!Life in Laos! No.12

It has been 3 month after coming to Laos. I only have 1 month and a half until I will go back to Japan. It seems like time flies so fast, and I sometimes wonder if I have accomplished something. Well, the project I have related has been a success, and sold very well. I do have confidence in working. I just sometimes feel like what am I doing in Laos. It was kind of different from the work I expected. I heard I will relate in ODOP project by JICA. After I came here, I work half in ODOP, but work for a Japanese company in Laos as well. ODOP and PTP (the Japanese company) are different, but the owner is same. ODOP project leader was him, and the owner of PTP is him. Now, I am tired of working as a company. I know it is normal, but everyone only thinks about money, and how to make a profit. I do enjoy this experience, but I heard I am a volunteer. I felt strange when I heard I am a intern after coming to Laos. The word "volunteer" and "intern" are so different. Intern is to work like a normal worker, and experience many things for your personal growth. On the other hand, an volunteer is to support the project, and give something to Lao people, not for yourself. I appreciate every support from university and people in Laos, but I am tired of experiencing self-growth work. I'm excited to join Sayama-zemi soon.
