
関西学院大学 総合政策 佐山浩ゼミ(研究室)

ラオスインターン奮闘日記!Life in Laos! 最終回

Today is the last day I work in Laos. Time past fast, but it seemed so long for me. I suffered from many things such as human relationship. I made good friends I want to keep in touch throughout my life. I had so much good experience working in Laos. I think it was my destiny to come here and experience all these things that happened in Laos. I don’t believe in god, but I believe “someone” is always looking at me. If I have a problem, “that person” is giving me a task to suffer and solve the problem. I learned not to rely too much on other people, because if I rely too much, I will feel more shock when they don’t satisfy my feelings. I discovered how difficult working is, and how fun working is. I thought I would find out what I want to do in the future if I came to Laos, but it was wrong. Now it is even more difficult for me to find what I want to do in the future. One thing I am sure is that I will move to some place and live, not Japan. During my stay in Laos, I had a lot of time to talk with myself. I used time to think about life and my future. I don’t need a lot of money. I just want to live this one time life. I hope I can.

I want to appreciate to all the teachers who have been supporting me. I enjoyed writing for Sayama zemi, because I could really write how I feel every week. I also want to appreciate to Mr.Sayama for always cheering me up. Thank you Laos, see you soon.

