
関西学院大学 総合政策 佐山浩ゼミ(研究室)

ラオスインターン奮闘日記!Life in Laos! No.9

Last week, my boss took a day off to go to Thailand. I asked her for some souvenirs, and she said she would buy something for me. I was excited what she would buy me, because like I wrote last time, Thailand has everything I want, and need. When she came back, she smiled at me. I asked her if she bought any souvenirs. She said she has something special for me. Then, she opened her hand, and I saw a beautiful packaged something. I looked closely again and found out that it was バーモントカレー中辛. I screamed in front of many people. I have been looking for this curry for more than 1 month, but I could never find them in Laos. Although I can eat green curry or Indian curry here, there is nothing tasty as the ordinary Japanese curry. I thanked my boss many times and shook hands with her. Then she smiled again. I asked her what it was. She handed me a doughnut, but it was not a normal doughnut. It was mister donuts! I screamed again. She knew I missed the food in Japan. I had a great day, and felt really happy. I already used half of バーモントカレー, and made some curry. I felt like I was in Japan. I have energy right now, so I will try harder with my work!!a0134015_2374078 HNdLqzabYZ9qA30OEdhamYN8jDiR9XNPQXKD4iN9icYexFH0Y9995rfRcHqZxaHQ