
関西学院大学 総合政策 佐山浩ゼミ(研究室)

ラオスインターン奮闘日記!Life in Laos! No.14

The characteristic of Lao people are very unique. Their salary is about 1 million kip, which is about 1万2000円. They usually send some of their salary to their families, and they also need to pay for clothing, food and housing. They don't have much money to use for themselves. Despite this situation, they always share what they have with their friends. If I was in the same situation with them, I would feel like the things I bought is mine. Lao people never eat or do something alone. They share things such as fruits or candy, even if they can't eat much. I think this style is very good and wonderful.
On the other hand, Lao people also like to treat dinner. They do this even if they don't have a lot of money. By treating too much, they run out of money and try to borrow money from people who have money, such as Japanese. Since I don't want to be asked to lend money, I always say I don't have money. I think treating too much is not a good thing, but I love this kind, caring Lao people very much.

